Access. Organize. Secure.

Redefining Catheter Securement and Site Management

The SureSet™ Safe-Track Strain Relief Technology™ creates a streamlined system to reliably stabilize the PIV catheter and organize the infusion tubing.
Current   PIV Challenges
Asset 1
Over 300 million peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVs) are used yearly in the United States1 with a failure rate of up to 69%
Asset 2
50% of clinicians agree that catheter dislodgment is a significant, unaddressed issue in their facility
Asset 3
41% of a hospital’s PIV material costs are caused by unscheduled restarts

Introducing the SureSetTM Peripheral IV Device

Our innovative Safe-Track Strain Relief Technology™ makes SureSet™ unlike any other IV securement device.
  • Provides consistent securement for both the catheter and tubing
  • Reduces the pressure on the indwelling catheter so that it does not advance or withdraw
  • Allows convenient access to the catheter hub
  • Standardizes the management of the tubing without tape
  • Improves quality of care for patients and reduces discomfort
Access. Organize. Secure.

The Benefits of Stabilization Devices Like SureSet™

81% reduction

in unscheduled interruptions 2

42% reduction

in complications 5

33% increase

of lifespan of an IV insertion 6